Stage 1

Einsiedeln - Einsiedeln (ITT) (13 Km)

11 June (Sunday)

Stage 2

Beromünster - Nottwil (174 Km)

12 June (Monday)

Stage 3

Tafers - Villars-sur-Ollon (144 Km)

13 June (Tuesday)

Stage 4

Monthey - Leukerbad (153 Km)

14 June (Wednesday)

Stage 5

Fiesch - La Punt (211 Km)

15 June (Thursday)

Stage 6

La Punt - Oberwil-Lieli (216 Km)

16 June (Friday)

This stage does not belong to the BikeFantasy calendar

Stage 7

Tübach - Weinfelden (184 Km)

17 June (Saturday)

Stage 8

St. Gallen - Abtwil (ITT) (26 Km)

18 June (Sunday)