Bikefantasy is a fantasy cycling game created in 2014 by six friends and cycling fans, initially for their own use and fun, and now shared with the community.
Fight for winning the Tour, the Giro or the Vuelta or simply be the king of consistency and win the Annual Ranking!
BikeFantasy seasons run throughout calendar years, at the moment we are in season 2025. In our calendar you find all the races that make up the season. Note that during the year, for several reasons, races can be added to or removed from the calendar.
Races are divided in two types:
1. Stage races which mirror real races (e.g.: Tour de France)
2. Tace “packs” which consist of the grouping of several 1-day races (e.g.: Milano-Sanremo, Paris-Roubaix,…) into a single race.
The Annual Ranking winner is the champion of BikeFantasy.
You can earn points for the Annual Ranking through the final classifications (GC, points, team) of each race or through your result in each stage. Points attributed in each situation vary and are explained in the next sections.
Upon creation of a BikeFantasy account, the new player is automatically credited a welcome bonus of 25 points.
In each stage you can pick two riders, with the exception of ITTs where you can only pick one. At the end of the stage, the best placed rider in the real stage (the “considered” rider) counts for your classification and you will not be able to pick him again during the race. The other rider is released and you can pick him again in future stages.
The are no Team Time Trials in BikeFantasy, so those stages are ignored by the game.
In races with more than 6 stages you can pick a JOKER to accompany you throughout the race.
The JOKER can be played only once during the race and replaces the “considered” rider on the day, releasing the latter for picks in future stages.
If you join a race after it starts you will be attributed a random JOKER by BikeFantasy.
If one of your picks does not participate or retires during a stage you will automatically be attributed the result of the so-called Worse+1 rider. In case you forget to pick your riders before the stage deadline or if both picks do not finish the stage you will automatically be attributed the results of riders Worse+1 and Worse+2.
Worse+1 represents the result of the rider immediately following the worst placed rider among all the considered picks made by the other players on the day, that is, if the worst placed rider among all considered picks ranks 50th, you will be attributed the result of the rider who ranked 51st.
Worse+2 represents the result of the second rider following the worst placed rider among all the considered picks made by the other players on the day, that is, if the worst placed rider among all considered picks ranks 50th, you will be attributed the result of the rider who ranked 52nd.

It is the classification of each stage, the player with the best combination of picks is the winner of the BikeFantasy stage.
Bonuses are not applied
Tie-breaking criteria
1. Rank of the second pick
2. Not having used the JOKER when existing for the specific race (to give preference to players who did not need the “extra” pick)
3. Time of pick (to give preference to players who pick earlier - meaning they have less information and more risk)
Points for the Annual Ranking
Starting from the 2024 season, different levels of annual ranking points are attributed to the best placed players in each stage, depending on the number of stages in the specific race. Three levels of races are defined, as follows:
In races with more than 7 stages (e.g.: Tour, Vuelta, Giro, Volta), the first three places are awarded 5, 3 and 2 point(s) respectively, with 10 points being awarded in case the winner picks a unique combination (to reward players who pick “less obvious” combinations);
In races with 5 to 7 stages (e.g. Tour of Poland, etc.), the first three places are awarded 3, 2 and 1 point(s) respectively, with 5 points being awarded in case the winner picks a unique combination;
Finally, for races with 4 and less stages, no annual ranking points are awarded for stages.
In all cases, points awarded for a given place are attributed to all players who picked the same combination.

For the General Classification (time-based, the player needing less time is the leader/winner) the times of the considered riders during the race are added up.
1st Place: 30 seconds
2nd Place: 20 seconds
3rd Place: 10 seconds
One-Two: 60 seconds (in case the two picks rank 1st and 2nd on a stage).
Tie-breaking criteria
1. JOKER not played
2. Number of real stage winner picks
3. Total points (points classification);
4. Number of BikeFantasy stage wins throughout the race;
5. Sum of all the minutes between the time of each pick submission and the pick submission deadline for each stage throughout the race
Annual Ranking Points
Throughout the race you will be able to consult on the various Classifications how many points each of the positions attributes, a number which is calculated based on the following formula: (((number of players-(rank x 5)) x number of stages) x type of classification) / 5

For the Team Classification (point-based, the player with less points is the leader/winner) the ranks of all picked riders are added up, including the JOKER. That is, for example, on a stage in which the two picked riders ranked 10th and 20th the player will get 30 points for the team classification.
If, on that same day, the JOKER, who ranked 5th, is played, they will get 35 points on this classification. The winner of this classification is the player who, at the end of the race, has the least number of points.
One-Two: 60 points (in case the picked riders rank 1st and 2nd on the stage)
Closing on the top10: 30 points (in case both riders rank in the top10 on the stage)
Tie-breaking criteria
1. JOKER not played
2. Number of one-twos (picking the first and second-placed riders on the real stage)
3. Total time (general classification)
4. Number of BikeFantasy stage wins throughout the race
5. Sum of all the minutes between the time of each pick submission and the pick submission deadline for each stage throughout the race
Annual Ranking Points
Throughout the race you will be able to consult on the various Classifications how many points each of the positions attributes, a number which is calculated based on the following formula: (((number of players-(rank x 5)) x number of stages) x type of classification) / 5

For the Points Classification (point-based, the player with less points is the leader/winner) the ranks of the considered riders (the best placed) are added up. The winner of this classification is the player who, at the end of the race, has the least number of points.
1st Place: 30 points
Tie-breaking criteria
1. JOKER not played
2. Number of real stage winner picks
3. Number of one-twos (picking the first and second-placed riders on the real stage)
4. Number of BikeFantasy stage wins throughout the race
5. Sum of all the minutes between the time of each pick submission and the pick submission deadline for each stage throughout the race
Annual Ranking Points
Throughout the race you will be able to consult on the various Classifications how many points each of the positions attributes, a number which is calculated based on the following formula: (((number of players-(rank x 5)) x number of stages) x type of classification) / 5

For the Youth Classification (time-based, the player needing less time is the leader/winner) the same rules of the General Classification apply. Note that this classifcation will only exist if there are at least 3 participating players registered within the current year (rookies).
Same rules as for the General Classification
Tie-breaking criteria
Same rules as for the General Classification
Annual Ranking Points
No annual ranking points are attributed based on the Youth Classification
To use this feature, a player defines two different pick combinations: the regular pick and another pick with one or two different riders, which will be used in case the regular pick combination is the same as that of the “rival”.
The purpose of this feature is to guarantee, if a player so wishes, that their pick combination for a given stage will always be different from that of the “rival”. This often constitutes a high risk, but the logic is that when a player is behind they are interested in gaining places and this cannot happen if the pick combination is the same as the “rival”.
Introduced in the 2024 season, BikeFants are BikeFantasy's ‘stickers’ and they are earned whenever a player picks a stage winner.
The BikeFant, with the stage-winning rider's name and picture, is ‘printed’ with a 50-point face value. Whenever other players earn the same BikeFant, it loses face value.
Each player's collection has a value consisting of the sum of the current values of their BikeFants.
The value of a collection has no relation with the BikeFantasy annual ranking. The collector's ranking is just a parallel attraction of the game.
To login in BikeFantasy a Facebook or Google account is required. If you do not have such an account but still want to play BikeFantasy get in touch with us.
Playing BikeFantasy is free.
Cases not addressed by this regulation will be analysed and solved by the development team responsible for BikeFantasy.