Stages GC Team Points Youth
Rider Time Better pick Rank Second pick¹ Joker² Datetime³ Ranking
Jorge Machado 2:40:39 Marta Lach No 16 Oct | 08:32:41 (UTC) -
Paulo Simoes " Marta Lach No 16 Oct | 08:30:38 (UTC) -
Filipe Cunha " Marta Lach No 16 Oct | 22:09:58 (UTC) -
Nuno Oliveira " Marta Lach No 16 Oct | 09:29:40 (UTC) -
Spm FanCycling " Marta Lach 20º No 16 Oct | 23:50:41 (UTC) -
Goncalo Serrao " Scarlett Souren No 16 Oct | 08:51:38 (UTC) -
Pedro Miguel Ramos " Sofie Van Rooijen 12º No 16 Oct | 19:40:51 (UTC) -
Zédu Neves " Silvia Zanardi No 16 Oct | 08:16:15 (UTC) -
JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ BRAVO " Silvia Zanardi 12º No 16 Oct | 22:56:55 (UTC) -
10º Balague " Tereza Neumanova No 16 Oct | 21:48:02 (UTC) -
11º André Letras " Tereza Neumanova No 17 Oct | 00:09:32 (UTC) -
12º Vítor Castro " Tereza Neumanova 12º No 16 Oct | 20:08:51 (UTC) -
13º Bruno Pereira " Tereza Neumanova 20º No 16 Oct | 12:51:33 (UTC) -

Note: The stage winner(s) earn 0 (if winning isolated) or 0 points for the BikeFantasy Annual Ranking // 2nd: 0 // 3nd: 0

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 17/10/2024 08:10:05 (UTC) // Stage 3

  Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stages won² Points³ BikeFantasy stages⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Jorge Machado 8:32:01 50 No 1 -23 1 7396 5
Filipe Cunha " 50 No 1 -23 0 5026 2
Paulo Simoes " 50 No 1 -14 1 10995 0
Spm FanCycling " 50 No 1 -14 0 6922 0
Nuno Oliveira " 50 No 1 -8 0 6518 0
Goncalo Serrao + 0:00:10 40 No 0 8 0 7334 0
Bruno Pereira + 0:00:20 30 No 1 -18 0 6763 0
Zédu Neves + 0:00:20 30 No 1 -4 1 8527 0
André Letras + 0:00:30 20 No 0 11 0 4677 0
10º Balague + 0:00:30 20 No 0 46 0 5462 0
11º Pedro Miguel Ramos + 0:00:40 10 No 0 25 0 7876 0
12º JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ BRAVO + 0:00:50 0 No 0 17 0 4812 0
13º Vítor Castro + 0:00:50 0 No 0 98 0 2434 0

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): 60 seconds // 1st: 30 seconds // 2nd: 20 seconds // 3nd: 10 seconds

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 17/10/2024 08:10:06 (UTC) // Stage 3

  Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ One-Twos² Time³ BikeFantasy stages⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Jorge Machado -30 60 No 0 17:05:42 1 7396 2
Goncalo Serrao -26 (+4) 60 No 0 17:05:42 0 7334 1
Filipe Cunha -26 (+4) 60 No 0 17:05:42 0 5026 0
Nuno Oliveira -1 (+29) 60 No 0 17:05:42 0 6518 0
Paulo Simoes 5 (+35) 60 No 0 17:05:42 1 10995 0
André Letras 5 (+35) 60 No 0 17:05:42 0 4677 0
Bruno Pereira 24 (+54) 30 No 0 17:05:42 0 6763 0
Zédu Neves 58 (+88) 30 No 0 17:05:42 1 8527 0
Spm FanCycling 72 (+102) 0 No 0 17:05:42 0 6922 0
10º JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ BRAVO 86 (+116) 0 No 0 17:05:42 0 4812 0
11º Balague 112 (+142) 30 No 0 17:05:42 0 5462 0
12º Pedro Miguel Ramos 129 (+159) 0 No 0 17:05:42 0 7876 0
13º Vítor Castro 227 (+257) 0 No 0 17:05:42 0 2434 0

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): -60 points // Both picks in top10: -30 points (not cumulative)

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 17/10/2024 08:10:06 (UTC) // Stage 3

  Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ Stages won² One-Twos³ BikeFantasy stages⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Jorge Machado -23 30 No 1 0 1 7396 2
Filipe Cunha -23 (+0) 30 No 1 0 0 5026 1
Bruno Pereira -18 (+5) 30 No 1 0 0 6763 0
Paulo Simoes -14 (+9) 30 No 1 0 1 10995 0
Spm FanCycling -14 (+9) 30 No 1 0 0 6922 0
Nuno Oliveira -8 (+15) 30 No 1 0 0 6518 0
Zédu Neves -4 (+19) 30 No 1 0 1 8527 0
Goncalo Serrao 8 (+31) 0 No 0 0 0 7334 0
André Letras 11 (+34) 0 No 0 0 0 4677 0
10º JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ BRAVO 17 (+40) 0 No 0 0 0 4812 0
11º Pedro Miguel Ramos 25 (+48) 0 No 0 0 0 7876 0
12º Balague 46 (+69) 0 No 0 0 0 5462 0
13º Vítor Castro 98 (+121) 0 No 0 0 0 2434 0

Bonuses: 1st: -30 points

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 17/10/2024 08:10:06 (UTC) // Stage 3

  Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stages won² Points³ BikeFantasy stages⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵
Paulo Simoes 8:32:01 50 No 1 -14 1 10995
Spm FanCycling " 50 No 1 -14 0 6922
André Letras + 0:00:30 20 No 0 11 0 4677
Balague + 0:00:30 20 No 0 46 0 5462

Note: Classification only available to users registered less than 2 years ago. Bonuses: See General Classification.

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 17/10/2024 08:10:06 (UTC) // Stage 3