Stages GC Team Points Youth
Rider Time Best pick Rank Second pick¹ Joker² Date/Time³ Ranking
Al 0:26:08 Edgar Pinto - No 11 Aug | 19:10:30 -
Vítor Castro + 0:00:02 Veloso Gustavo Cesar - No 11 Aug | 21:18:30 -
Emanuel Santana + 0:00:02 Veloso Gustavo Cesar - No 12 Aug | 01:13:51 -
Miguel Rocha + 0:00:02 Veloso Gustavo Cesar - No 12 Aug | 08:22:51 -
Paulo Sacramento + 0:00:02 Veloso Gustavo Cesar - No 12 Aug | 09:02:19 -
Hugo Grazina + 0:00:02 Veloso Gustavo Cesar - Yes 12 Aug | 06:56:37 -
Nuno Santana + 0:00:06 Domingos Gonçalves - No 12 Aug | 00:58:53 -
André Ferreira + 0:00:06 Domingos Gonçalves - No 12 Aug | 02:11:13 -
José Carlos Mota + 0:00:15 Antonio Carvalho - Yes 11 Aug | 18:36:53 -
10º Pedro Fernandes + 0:00:32 Alejandro Marque 11º - No 12 Aug | 09:25:12 -
11º Nuno Oliveira + 0:00:50 Rafael Reis 14º - No 12 Aug | 07:31:48 -
12º Pedro Rocha + 0:00:51 Pior+1 15º - No 12 Aug | 11:01:00 -
13º Tiago Lopes + 0:00:51 Pior+1 15º - No 12 Aug | 11:01:00 -
14º Joao Ferreira + 0:00:51 Pior+1 15º - No 12 Aug | 11:01:00 -
15º Ricardo Gomes + 0:00:51 Pior+1 15º - No 12 Aug | 11:01:00 -
16º Hélio Gomes + 0:00:51 Pior+1 15º - No 12 Aug | 11:01:00 -

Note: The stage winner(s) earn {0} (if winning isolated) or {1} points for the BikeFantasy Annual Ranking // 2nd: {2} // 3nd: {3}

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 01/08/2018 18:14:44

Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² Points³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Paulo Sacramento 41:14:17 140 Yes 3 -257 0 24
Emanuel Santana + 0:00:09 150 Yes 4 -364 (+-107) 0 13
1 Miguel Rocha + 0:00:17 140 Yes 3 -289 (+-32) 0 2
1 Vítor Castro + 0:00:23 120 Yes 2 -145 (+112) 0 -
2 Pedro Fernandes + 0:00:41 120 Yes 2 -134 (+123) 0 -
1 José Carlos Mota + 0:00:57 130 Yes 2 -198 (+59) 0 -
1 André Ferreira + 0:01:04 140 No 3 -201 (+56) 0 -
1 Al + 0:01:10 130 No 2 -176 (+81) 0 -
3 Nuno Oliveira + 0:01:26 140 No 3 -298 (+-41) 0 -
10º Hugo Grazina + 0:01:55 100 Yes 1 -34 (+223) 0 -
11º Nuno Santana + 0:02:29 80 Yes 1 -11 (+246) 0 -
12º Hélio Gomes + 1:17:08 0 No 0 740 (+997) 0 -
13º Pedro Rocha + 1:17:08 0 No 0 740 (+997) 0 -
14º Ricardo Gomes + 1:17:13 0 No 0 777 (+1034) 0 -
15º Joao Ferreira + 1:17:16 0 No 0 809 (+1066) 0 -
16º Tiago Lopes + 1:17:16 0 No 0 809 (+1066) 0 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): 60 seconds // 1st: 30 seconds // 2nd: 20 seconds // 3nd: 10 seconds

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 01/08/2018 18:14:44

Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ One-Twos² Time³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Paulo Sacramento 33 120 Yes 0 86:54:08 0 12
José Carlos Mota 58 (+25) 120 Yes 1 '' 0 7
André Ferreira 87 (+54) 210 No 1 '' 0 1
Nuno Oliveira 107 (+74) 150 No 1 '' 0 -
Emanuel Santana 161 (+128) 60 Yes 0 '' 0 -
Vítor Castro 193 (+160) 30 Yes 0 + 0:09:26 0 -
Miguel Rocha 197 (+164) 120 Yes 1 + 0:17:08 0 -
Nuno Santana 282 (+249) 60 Yes 0 + 0:00:52 0 -
Pedro Fernandes 316 (+283) 90 Yes 0 '' 0 -
10º Hugo Grazina 325 (+292) 30 Yes 0 '' 0 -
11º Al 360 (+327) 120 No 1 '' 0 -
12º Hélio Gomes 1469 (+1436) 0 No 0 '' 0 -
13º Pedro Rocha 1469 (+1436) 0 No 0 '' 0 -
14º Ricardo Gomes 1506 (+1473) 0 No 0 '' 0 -
15º Joao Ferreira 1538 (+1505) 0 No 0 '' 0 -
16º Tiago Lopes 1538 (+1505) 0 No 0 '' 0 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): -60 points // Both picks in top10: -30 points

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 01/08/2018 18:14:44

Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² One-Twos³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Emanuel Santana -364 60 Yes 4 0 0 12
Nuno Oliveira -298 (+66) 150 No 3 1 0 7
Miguel Rocha -289 (+75) 120 Yes 3 1 0 1
Paulo Sacramento -257 (+107) 120 Yes 3 0 0 -
André Ferreira -201 (+163) 210 No 3 1 0 -
José Carlos Mota -198 (+166) 120 Yes 2 1 0 -
Al -176 (+188) 120 No 2 1 0 -
Vítor Castro -145 (+219) 30 Yes 2 0 0 -
Pedro Fernandes -134 (+230) 90 Yes 2 0 0 -
10º Hugo Grazina -34 (+330) 30 Yes 1 0 0 -
11º Nuno Santana -11 (+353) 60 Yes 1 0 0 -
12º Hélio Gomes 740 (+1104) 0 No 0 0 0 -
13º Pedro Rocha 740 (+1104) 0 No 0 0 0 -
14º Ricardo Gomes 777 (+1141) 0 No 0 0 0 -
15º Joao Ferreira 809 (+1173) 0 No 0 0 0 -
16º Tiago Lopes 809 (+1173) 0 No 0 0 0 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): -60 points // 1st: -30 points

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 01/08/2018 18:14:44

Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² Points³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵
1 Miguel Rocha 41:14:34 140 Yes 3 -289 0
1 Vítor Castro + 0:00:06 120 Yes 2 -145 (+144) 0
2 Pedro Fernandes + 0:00:24 120 Yes 2 -134 (+155) 0
José Carlos Mota + 0:00:40 130 Yes 2 -198 (+91) 0
André Ferreira + 0:00:47 140 No 3 -201 (+88) 0
Al + 0:00:53 130 No 2 -176 (+113) 0
Hugo Grazina + 0:01:38 100 Yes 1 -34 (+255) 0
Nuno Santana + 0:02:12 80 Yes 1 -11 (+278) 0
Hélio Gomes + 1:16:51 0 No 0 740 (+1029) 0
10º Pedro Rocha + 1:16:51 0 No 0 740 (+1029) 0
11º Ricardo Gomes + 1:16:56 0 No 0 777 (+1066) 0
12º Joao Ferreira + 1:16:59 0 No 0 809 (+1098) 0
13º Tiago Lopes + 1:16:59 0 No 0 809 (+1098) 0

Note: Classification only available to users registered less than 2 years ago. Bonuses: See General Classification.

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 01/08/2018 18:14:44