Stages GC Team Points Youth
Rider Time Best pick Rank Second pick¹ Joker² Date/Time³ Ranking
Gonçalo Serrão 3:34:50 Olav Kooij No 16 Oct | 12:16:30 10
Jorge Machado '' Olav Kooij No 16 Oct | 08:45:12 3
Carlos Vieira '' Olav Kooij 12º No 15 Oct | 09:47:38 -
Balague '' Olav Kooij 27º No 16 Oct | 21:50:18 -
Nuno Oliveira '' Olav Kooij 50º No 16 Oct | 09:34:56 -
Zédu Neves '' Juan Sebastián Molano No 16 Oct | 09:22:28 -
Spm FanCycling '' Juan Sebastián Molano No 17 Oct | 00:34:28 -
Paulo Sacramento '' Juan Sebastián Molano No 16 Oct | 19:25:03 -
Nicolas ANCEAU '' Ethan Hayter 102º No 16 Oct | 12:17:47 -
10º Tiko 78 + 0:11:31 Pior+1 103º 104º No 17 Oct | 03:05:03 -
11º Leandro Pinto + 0:11:31 Pior+1 103º 104º No 17 Oct | 03:05:03 -

Note: The stage winner(s) earn {0} (if winning isolated) or {1} points for the BikeFantasy Annual Ranking // 2nd: {2} // 3nd: {3}

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 12/10/2023 12:05:04

Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² Points³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Nuno Oliveira 21:15:35 120 No 3 -7 1 26115 7
Paulo Sacramento + 0:00:30 90 No 2 -41 (+-34) 1 24228 1
Balague + 0:00:30 90 No 2 47 (+54) 0 16223 -
Jorge Machado + 0:00:50 70 No 2 22 (+29) 0 30580 -
Spm FanCycling + 0:01:10 50 No 0 41 (+48) 1 18172 -
1 Carlos Vieira + 0:01:30 30 No 1 82 (+89) 0 11740 -
1 Zédu Neves + 0:01:40 20 No 0 41 (+48) 1 27149 -
Nicolas ANCEAU + 0:01:52 40 No 1 94 (+101) 1 31115 -
1 Gonçalo Serrão + 0:10:53 90 No 2 84 (+91) 1 13395 -
1 10º Tiko 78 + 0:18:35 0 No 0 229 (+236) 0 25413 -
11º Leandro Pinto + 0:27:20 10 No 0 358 (+365) 0 7421 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): 60 seconds // 1st: 30 seconds // 2nd: 20 seconds // 3nd: 10 seconds

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 12/10/2023 12:05:04

Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ One-Twos² Time³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Zédu Neves 49 90 No 0 42:35:10 1 27149 4
Spm FanCycling 50 (+1) 90 No 0 + 0:00:04 1 18172 1
Paulo Sacramento 84 (+35) 60 No 0 + 0:01:36 1 24228 -
2 Gonçalo Serrão 153 (+104) 150 No 1 + 0:20:46 1 13395 -
2 Jorge Machado 191 (+142) 90 No 0 + 0:13:54 0 30580 -
2 Nuno Oliveira 218 (+169) 90 No 1 + 0:11:15 1 26115 -
2 Balague 237 (+188) 60 No 1 + 0:00:15 0 16223 -
Carlos Vieira 266 (+217) 30 No 0 + 0:00:52 0 11740 -
1 Nicolas ANCEAU 372 (+323) 60 No 0 + 0:12:24 1 31115 -
1 10º Tiko 78 473 (+424) 30 No 0 + 0:38:44 0 25413 -
11º Leandro Pinto 692 (+643) 30 No 0 + 0:51:21 0 7421 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): -60 points // Both picks in top10: -30 points

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 12/10/2023 12:05:04

Rider Points Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² One-Twos³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵ Ranking
Paulo Sacramento -41 60 No 2 0 1 24228 4
Nuno Oliveira -7 (+34) 90 No 3 1 1 26115 1
2 Jorge Machado 22 (+63) 90 No 2 0 0 30580 -
1 Zédu Neves 41 (+82) 90 No 0 0 1 27149 -
1 Spm FanCycling 41 (+82) 90 No 0 0 1 18172 -
Balague 47 (+88) 60 No 2 1 0 16223 -
1 Carlos Vieira 82 (+123) 30 No 1 0 0 11740 -
1 Gonçalo Serrão 84 (+125) 150 No 2 1 1 13395 -
2 Nicolas ANCEAU 94 (+135) 60 No 1 0 1 31115 -
10º Tiko 78 229 (+270) 30 No 0 0 0 25413 -
11º Leandro Pinto 358 (+399) 30 No 0 0 0 7421 -

Bonuses: One-Two (1st and 2nd): -60 points // 1st: -30 points

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 12/10/2023 12:05:04

Rider Time Bonuses Joker¹ Stage wins² Points³ BF stage wins⁴ Accumulated minutes⁵
Balague 21:16:05 90 No 2 47 0 16223
Spm FanCycling + 0:00:40 50 No 0 41 (+-6) 1 18172
Tiko 78 + 0:18:05 0 No 0 229 (+182) 0 25413
Leandro Pinto + 0:26:50 10 No 0 358 (+311) 0 7421

Note: Classification only available to users registered less than 2 years ago. Bonuses: See General Classification.

¹²³⁴⁵ Tiebreaker criteria

Ranking updated on 12/10/2023 12:05:04