Salvador Hazañas García

Rider Type: Rookie

Trophy Case
This trophy room is still empty :(

Global record

Total number of races: 2

Points: 38

Annual ranking wins: 0

Total wins: 0

BikeFantasy stages won: 0

Stages won: 3

Doubles: 1

Record in 2024

Total number of races: 2

Points: 38

Major titles: 0

Secondary titles: 0

BikeFantasy stages won: 0

Stages won: 3

Doubles: 1

Competition history
Competition GC Team Points Youth BikeFantasy stages Stages won One-Twos
Tirreno Adriatico 21º 21º 21º 0 1 0
Paris-Nice 21º 21º 21º 0 2 1
Pick History in Tirreno Adriatico (2024)
  Stage Rider 1st Rank 1st Time 1st Rider 2nd Rank 2nd Time 2nd
1 Filippo Ganna 0:11:25 - - 0:00:00
2 Jasper Philipsen 4:32:07 Caleb Ewan 15º 4:32:07
  3 Biniam Girmay 28º 5:25:51 Axel Zingle 114º 5:25:51
4 Worse +1 156º 5:02:39 Worse +2 157º 5:03:55
5 Worse +1 73º 3:44:16 Worse +2 74º 3:44:16
6 Worse +1 14º 4:33:25 Worse +2 15º 4:33:29
7 Worse +2 119º 3:15:51 Worse +1 118º 3:17:26
Joker: Tim Merlier (Soudal - Quick Step)