Emanuel Amorim

Rider Type: Rookie

Trophy Case
This trophy room is still empty :(

Global record

Total number of races: 1

Points: 35

Annual ranking wins: 0

Total wins: 0

BikeFantasy stages won: 1

Stages won: 0

Doubles: 0

Record in 2024

Total number of races: 1

Points: 35

Major titles: 0

Secondary titles: 0

BikeFantasy stages won: 1

Stages won: 0

Doubles: 0

Competition history
Competition GC Team Points Youth BikeFantasy stages Stages won One-Twos
Pick History in Tour de France (2024)
  Stage Rider 1st Rank 1st Time 1st Rider 2nd Rank 2nd Time 2nd
1 Tadej Pogačar 5:07:27 Mathieu Van Der Poel 88º 5:26:08
2 Worse +1 158º 5:04:05 Worse +2 159º 5:04:05
3 Worse +1 119º 5:26:48 Worse +2 120º 5:26:48
4 Worse +1 97º 4:07:22 Worse +2 98º 4:08:25
5 Worse +1 172º 4:11:29 Worse +2 173º 4:11:29
Joker: Primož Roglič (Red Bull – BORA – hansgrohe)